Stop Smoking Calculator

Stop Smoking Calculator

The average smoker spends around €9.75 a day on cigarettes, which is a whopping €292.50 a month*.

Every cigarette you don’t smoke will mean more money in your pocket. Just imagine what you could do with all your savings from quitting smoking like going on that dream vacation, eating out more often, or rewarding yourself with something you’ve had your eye on.
*Based on a pack of 20 cigarettes costing €15 and an average of 13 cigarettes a day.

Find out how much you could save

Discover how much you can save and use this extra incentive to do something amazing – to stop smoking for good.


Calculate Your Savings

On average, how many cigarettes do you smoke each day?
How much do you pay for a pack of 20 cigarettes?

Could not calculate. Please enter numbers only.

How Much You Could Save

If you smoke x cigarettes a day at €x a pack, here are the eye-opening numbers for how much you’ll save on cigarettes after you quit smoking.

In the First Month
€ xx
In 6 Months
€ xx
In your first smoke-free year
€ xx
In 5 Years
€ xx


Use the money you save on cigarettes to treat yourself.

Make sure you actually see the money you save. Set up a special account or just start a ‘quitting jar” to store the saved cash. Then for the fun part - deciding how to spend it.

Find out what other quit smoking tips you can learn.