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Kavon's Quitting Story

Kavon, 22, Bromley

My motivation: my boss challenged me to quit

Previous Smoking Habit: 3 cigarettes a day

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I smoked on and off since I was 16, but always assumed I could quit at any time. I studied Conservation and Biodiversity at University, and as the course progressed I realised how bad pollution was and how I was polluting myself by smoking.

I quit smoking after my boss challenged me to give up cigarettes. She suggested I try Nicorette QuickMist Spray and I used it for a couple of weeks and it helped me to quit.

I didn’t realise how much smoking had affected me, but within weeks of stopping smoking my teeth were whiter and I didn't have dark circles around my eyes, or breakouts on my face anymore.

I’ve always been sporty and my fitness had declined when I was smoking as I found myself short of breath. Now that I’ve quit, I can run and do all the things I did before without getting out of breath.

I really don’t miss that horrible stale smoke smell on my fingers and clothes.